Rene Bach

About the Work Live

The 'Support Needs Questionnaire' forms part of the Disabilty and Mental Health portal. The system allows the University to understand how students would like the disability team to describe the students' disability or health condition to their faculty. While also give ideas of adjustments recommended for their studies on the basis of their disability or health condition. It is fairly lenghty form to fill out and could easiely have become too overwhelming for students with special needs to complete.

Nice touch

Making a complex questionaire 'approachable' for vulnerable users gives me great pleasure.

Accessible to:

Students attending Kingston University
Admin area is protected by University Access Manager and access restricted by list of KU ID in the database that requires access to this section of the backend.

About Rene Bach

Born 22nd June 1976 in Silkeborg, Denmark and attended art school at Kent Institute of Art & Design, Maidstone, UK.

I have been developing web application to improve life for students and staff at Kingston University 2007-2020. Currently working at Granicus were I feel I can 'Code for Good' and help making a better and much more sustainable society. Love quality of life and have enjoyed cycling to work along the River Thames!

"My Danish roots have influenced my simple and minimalistic approach to Design & Development"

© Rene Bach, 2024